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Friday Favorites- Favorite Face Mask for Acne + Review

Happy Friday! It's been such a long week, I'm so, so happy that it's Friday. Did this week go by very quickly or slowly for you guys?

This week I'll be talking about my favorite mask for acne. I first bought this mask in the summer of 2013 and I've had a container in my arsenal ever since. Whenever my skin is flipping out I'll slap this on, or if I have a few spots I'll use it as a spot treatment. I've used other masks for acne, but haven't (yet) found any as effective as this one.

What is it?: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. It's a clay mask.

How much does it cost?: The 1 lb container runs for $11.10, and the 2 lb runs for $14.96.

How much product comes in the container?: 2 lbs/ 908 grams in the container I have. 1 lb/ 454 grams in the smaller container.

What's in it?: 100% natural calcium bentonite (green) clay.

What doesn't it have in it?: Additives, fragrances, animal products.

When does the product expire?: My container expires in July of 2018. Every container will have a different expiration date.

Is the product cruelty free?: Yes.

What does it smell like?: It's odourless.

What is the consistency?: A very soft powder.

What is the product claim/description?: "Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay helps to remove impurities and dirt from the pores. Deep pore cleaning of the skin," as well as, "WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL FACIAL!" And yes. It is in all caps.

What skin types would you recommend this for?: All (with caution to dry and sensitive types). Especially combo/acne prone like myself! They recommend mixing this with apple cider vinegar to get the full results (which I do, and recommend as well), but if you are dry and sensitive I would try using water instead of ACV. I would also be careful with dry skins, as this mask has a tendency to dry my skin out right afterwards. A very good moisturizer is needed.

What are your thoughts about this product?: I love love love this face mask. It's a life saver for me when my skin is acting up, and I try to do this once a week. If I'm too lazy to do this and my skin as a whole is pretty good, I'll use this as a spot treatment. My spots are always flattened or gone the next day! This product really preforms like they claim on the bottle (and 12,000 shining Amazon reviews can prove it!). I never want to go without this.

Would you repurchase?: I will forever repurchase.

Would you recommend this product to others?: Yes!

Where can I buy this?:

What are some similar products (that you've tried)?: Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask, Queen Helene Mud Pack Mask

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